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4 Ways Career Services Can Help Students & Graduates

At Miller-Motte College (MMC), we strive to help our students and graduates improve their lives in 33 months or less. We provide career-focused programs, classes lead by industry-experienced instructors, and hands-on training for students attending campus based programs to better prepare students for entry-level positions. Students develop technical skills throughout their program and can turn them into practical skills through projects or training.
Alongside our career-focused curriculum, every MMC student and graduate has access to our career services team. Each service provided by our team is designed to help students and graduates develop as entry-level professionals. While we cannot, and do not, guarantee employment, our team works to help MMC students and graduates explore placement opportunities.

What are Career Services?

Career services teams are designed to help students and graduates develop as professionals. This development can include revising resumes, improving interview skills, exploring networking opportunities, learning to vet potential employers, and more. These services help students and graduates work towards their career goals by providing next steps, potential job leads, and more.
At Miller-Motte, our career services team is composed of dedicated professionals with expertise in career development and employer relations. They are trained to vet potential employers, provide resume assistance, help students explore internship or externship opportunities, and more.

How MMC’s Career Services Can Help

Miller-Motte’s career services team is a great starting point for students and graduates seeking employment opportunities. Working with career services can help students and graduates gain clarity on their career goals. This information can help members of our career services team provide suggestions tailored to each student.
Career services can help students and graduates explore placement opportunities, create or adjust their career plans, and more. Whether students are seeking career changes or to enter the workforce for the first time, our team can help.
Our career services team assists current Miller-Motte students and graduates during their job search by providing:

Career Consultations

Career consultations help students gain clarity on their career goals and better understand how their program ties into these goals. This is ideal for students and graduates who are unsure if they’re on the right track or lack clarity. During these consultations, our career services team assesses a student’s skills and interests to provide personalized advice and support.
Students and graduates who already have clarity can also benefit from our career consultation services. Rather than seeking clarity, these students can inform our team of their goals, experiences, and skills.
Our career services team works with students to determine career opportunities best aligned with their skills, experience, and interest. As priorities or goals shift, our career services team can help students adjust their plan if necessary. These new plans can provide alternate ways for students or graduates to reach the same goal.
Some steps our career services team may suggest students and graduates take can include:

  • Undergoing optional training sessions
  • Updating current resumes or CV letters
  • Performing mock interviews
  • Attending upcoming career fairs and more.

Externship Placement Assistance

Over the years, Miller-Motte College has developed close partnerships with local businesses across various industries. Our career services team can tap into these resources to help eligible students find placement for externship opportunities. These opportunities are a great way for students to gain experience in real-world settings and expand their professional networks.
Not every Miller-Motte program offers an externship opportunity. Students enrolled in 100% online programs have a capstone course in lieu of an externship opportunity.
Students in the following hybrid programs may be eligible for externship opportunities:

  • Business Administration
  • Medical Billing & Coding
  • Medical Clinical Assisting
  • Early Childhood Education
  • IT Support Specialist
  • Healthcare Information Technology
  • Pharmacy Technician

Speak with a member of our academics team to learn which programs are eligible for internship or externship opportunities.

Networking Opportunities

Miller-Motte students and graduates have access to our exclusive job board. The positions posted on this board are not endorsed by a particular partner, business, or organization. This allows students and graduates to browse a variety of open positions best suited to their interests, skills, and experience.
Our career services team uses our job board to send relevant leads to MMC students and graduates. They may also inform graduates and students of upcoming career fairs. This allows job seekers to meet, submit their resume to, and leave a good impression on potential employers.

Professional Development Assistance

Programs offered through Miller-Motte help our students develop technical and practical skills relating to their new career. Our career services team can provide information regarding training sessions or seminars for MMC students seeking additional training opportunities. These opportunities are 100% optional and can help students improve their skills or learn about new developments in their field.
Our career services team can help Miller-Motte students and graduates update and maintain their resume and CV letter. They can also review existing resumes and provide suggestions to help job seekers present their skills in the best light.
In a previous post, we discussed ways Miller-Motte students and graduates can prepare for upcoming job interviews. Our students and graduates can perform mock interviews with our career services team to prepare for future job interviews. This helps our graduates practice telling relevant stories using the STAR method, gain familiarity with common interview questions, and more.

Next Steps

Our careers services team is an invaluable tool for Miller-Motte students and graduates. Our staff is dedicated to helping our students reach their career goals through a variety of professional development services. Our career services team can create customized career plans, provide leads, help students or graduates develop interview skills, and more.
While Miller-Motte cannot guarantee employment, our team provides relevant leads and informs graduates of potential placement opportunities.
At Miller-Motte College, our faculty and staff are dedicated to preparing students and graduates for success. Whether it’s through our career-relevant programs or resume assistance, our faculty and staff are here to help. We strongly encourage each Miller-Motte student and graduate to utilize our career services team for assistance with their career goals.
Ready to see how our career services team can help current MMC students and graduates? Get started today.

Information within this blog is for general information purposes only. Miller-Motte does not assume or guarantee certification/licensures, specific job/career positions, income earning potential or salary expectations based on the programs offered at Miller-Motte. Career and program information statements in this blog do not guarantee that programs or other information mentioned are offered at Miller-Motte.