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How to Choose the Best Learning Mode for Your Needs

Miller-Motte College strives to provide flexible learning options for our students. We believe providing more avenues to learning will give students the confidence to pursue and reach their academic goals. In our previous post, we looked at in-person, online, and hybrid learning modes.

It covered the differences of each learning mode as well as a few advantages and disadvantages of each. We believe every student deserves access to quality education opportunities. We strive to meet students where they are and help them move closer to their futures.

Our flexible learning options are the first step in this journey. Flexible learning can be attractive to students for several different reasons. Even so, how can students confidently say they chose the best learning mode for them?

4 Things to Consider When Choosing a Learning Mode

Flexible learning can be an excellent way for students to overcome barriers making it difficult to reach their academic goals. It can also provide students with more control over when and how they choose to learn. Before selecting a learning mode, students should evaluate their personal situation and how it could negatively impact their learning experience.

When doing so, students should understand:

1. Current Blockers and Barriers to Learning

This requires students to examine current aspects of their personal lives. Flexible learning aims to help students overcome blockers keeping them from their educational goals. Understanding their current obstacles and barriers helps students make a more informed decision regarding learning modes.

Potential blockers and barriers may include, but are not limited to:

  • Transportation
  • Work commitments
  • Familial obligations
  • Internet and technology access

Certain modes require students to attend classes at specific locations and times. Reliable transportation, public or personal, will become part of their educational commitment. If transportation is a current blocker, this may cross hybrid and in-person modes off their list.

Other learning modes, such as hybrid or online, may require students to access courses online. Consistent internet access and blocking out times to study should be factored in when considering these learning modes. If your access to the internet and technology is limited, in-person modes may be a better option.

Most campuses provide students access to campus learning resource centers which have computers for student use and stable internet.

2. More than One Learning Mode May Fit Your Needs

Let’s start with an example. Imagine, you are a student who learns best through self-study. As long as you have access to course materials, you are self-sufficient. This type of student would do well in an asynchronous online program.

Let’s say you prefer having face-to-face lectures with your instructor.

Technically, a hybrid, synchronous online, or in-person mode could work as each addresses your needs.

Let’s say you learn best through face-to-face instruction and in a dedicated learning environment. An in-person learning mode would be the best fit. This mode provides face-to-face instruction and a specific location dedicated to learning.

Miller-Motte College only offers asynchronous instruction for online courses. These courses are also only available through our Chattanooga campus.

While more than one learning mode may solve your needs, choose the learning mode best suited to overcome your barriers. With flexible education, we aim to overcome student limitations, so students have access to the quality education they deserve.

3. How the Chosen Learning Mode Best Suits Their Needs

The learning mode students choose should best address and overcome any blockers or barriers keeping them from their education. The purpose of flexible education is to give students control over when and how they learn. It allows students to choose the best method of instruction for students to reach their academic goals.

Let’s say you are a student with concerns regarding transportation. You may have limited access to transportation, but it is not constant. For a student in this situation, a hybrid or online learning mode would be ideal.

Let’s take this a step further and say you have limited, inconsistent access to transportation. Technically, a hybrid or online learning mode may be a good fit. However, a hybrid model requires students to spend some time on campus each week for each course.

While this is a good option, it may not be the best option. An online mode would remove the need for transportation altogether while still providing students with consistent access to education.

4. Student Expectations Based on Learning Mode

Remember, flexible learning options allow students more control over when and how they learn. With this comes learning mode-specific student responsibilities.

In-person learning modes require students to have access to reliable transportation. They are also expected to regularly block out the same timeframe to attend in-person lectures. Commuting times and accounting for traffic are also part of student expectations as it is important that students arrive on time.

Online learning modes require students to be self-starters. Students are expected to stay on-top of assignment deadlines, complete assignments within the designated time frame, and stay organized. They are also responsible for staying focused in what could be a distracted learning environment.

Hybrid learning modes combine the expectations of both in-person and online students. Hybrid students will need semi-regular access to transportation to attend their in-person classes. They also have to stay on top of their online assignments and deadlines to help ensure they are not falling behind.

Hybrid students are also expected to have regular internet and device access to complete coursework.

In Summary

When selecting a learning mode, make sure you understand what could prevent you from reaching your goals. Remember, more than one learning mode may help you overcome certain blockers and barriers. It is up to the student to decide which mode best overcomes barriers preventing them from reaching their academic goals.

Each mode comes with its own set of student expectations and responsibilities. Students should make sure they understand and can meet these expectations when selecting their learning mode.

For those considering online instruction through Miller-Motte’s Chattanooga campus, we only offer asynchronous instruction.

For a breakdown of Miller-Motte’s program options based on learning mode, campus, and certification type, refer to our previous article. You can also call us at (800) 705-9182 or complete and submit this form.

It is time to choose the Miller-Motte program and learning mode that best suits you.

Information within this blog is for general information purposes only. Miller-Motte does not assume or guarantee certification/licensures, specific job/career positions, income earning potential or salary expectations based on the programs offered at Miller-Motte. Career and program information statements in this blog do not guarantee that programs or other information mentioned are offered at Miller-Motte.